【レンタル布団・貸し布団】金剛・富田林 道端布団店

【レンタル布団・貸し布団】金剛・富田林 道端布団店 電話0721-29-1461







・お客様との守秘義務契約、就業規則、業務委託契約など社内内部規定、NDA 【Non-Disclosure Agreement】(秘密保持契約)に従った行動をとってください。






















The social media policy below was generated on 2010-08-14 03:51:51


The following guidelines apply to contractors or employees of class=covar>MITIBATA JAPAN LIMITED who participate with or create content
on social media websites like wikis, blogs, virtual worlds and social networks.
Popular examples of such online environments include Facebook, Twitter,
Wikipedia, Myspace and Yelp. As an employee of MITIBATA JAPAN
, if you choose to participate in such online communities then you
need to be aware of the following guidelines.

MITIBATA JAPAN LIMITED does not forbid its employees
from participating in social media websites. As a forward-thinking organization,
MITIBATA JAPAN LIMITED believes that there is a great
deal of inherent value in social media sites. However, class=covar>MITIBATA JAPAN LIMITED expects employees who participate in
online commentary and other actions to be aware of and adhere to the following
guidelines. The ultimate goal of these guidelines is to ensure that employees of
MITIBATA JAPAN LIMITED participate in social media
websites in a respectful and pertinent way, while always maintaining the spirit
and letter of the law.

  1. Take care to never misrepresent yourself or MITIBATA JAPAN
    ; always be prepared and willing to substantiate any claims that
    you make on the Internet, and do not engage in dishonesty.
  2. Always disclose the fact that you are an employee of class=covar>MITIBATA JAPAN LIMITED. Use your real name and be forthcoming
    and transparent about your role within the organization.
  3. Keep common courtesy in mind in all of your online transactions and
    exchanges. Obtain permission before disclosing private conversations or
    confidential information from within MITIBATA JAPAN
  4. Don't "derail" topics on social media websites. Do not engage in spam
    activity, and do not go off topic or use offensive terms or tactics.
  5. Should you disagree with somebody while having a discussion on a social
    media website, be polite about it. Avoid using antagonistic behavior. If you are
    unable about how to proceed or about how to disengage from a potential volatile
    situation, seek guidance from the PR Director of MITIBATA
  6. During online discussions, conversations and other communications, always
    remain within your area of expertise. Feel free to give your own unique
    perspective on issues and topics, as long as they are not confidential in
  7. Be conscientious about never discussing or disclosing the legal activities
    of MITIBATA JAPAN LIMITED. Should class=covar>MITIBATA JAPAN LIMITED be engaged in litigation with another
    organization, avoid discussing that organization at all times when participating
    in social media websites.
  8. Should the competition come up during an online discussion or conversation,
    always be diplomatic. Stick to the facts and don't let emotions influence what
    you say. Be sure that you have the necessary permissions, as well, when
    discussing the competition.
  9. If a topic being discussed within a social media website could be considered
    a crisis situation, refrain from participating. Remember that even if you post
    anonymously, you can still be traced back to MITIBATA JAPAN
    through your IP address. Get the PR Director or the Legal Affairs
    Director involved in such scenarios.
  10. Always make your privacy and confidential information on class=covar>MITIBATA JAPAN LIMITED your number one priority when
    participating online. Anything you publish will be accessible to the world at
    large and will be out there for a very long time. Never act impulsively and
    think carefully before clicking that "publish" button.

In addition to the preceding guidelines, please keep the following points in
mind when participating in Social Media:

  • Respect fair use, copyright and financial disclosure laws.
  • Never cite or make reference to suppliers, clients or partners without their
    express permission.
  • Cite others who may be blogging or discussing the topic on hand online.
  • Always try to add value through whatever online interactions you are
    participating in. Remember that what you say and do online reflects upon the
    reputation of MITIBATA JAPAN LIMITED; strive to keep
    the MITIBATA JAPAN LIMITED brand in mind.